UKIE Green Jam 2019 — Tag Games - A Scopely Studio

UKIE Green Jam 2019

Never has buying pizza felt so rewarding…

We were absolutely delighted to support UKIE’s Student Game Jam, in collaboration with Space Ape Games and Playmob, providing pizzas across the UK to re-fuel students participating in the 48 hour event.

The game jam took place on the 5th and 6th November and was themed around creating awareness of sustainable living and encouraging a greener world through games; it has become increasingly important for people and industry alike to come together and do their bit to support environmental sustainability and we were excited to see what the teams would come up with!


The UKIE Green Jam took place over 48 hours, with 380 students in teams of 2-6 from across the UK taking part. Each team was assigned an industry mentor which resulted in over 80 volunteers from the games industry stepping forward to support this awesome event. This combined effort resulted in the Green Jam being UKIE’s largest game jam to date. Additionally, with Tag’s support, UKIE delivered 200 pizzas to 19 institutes across the UK!

Throughout the event, we were blown away with the enthusiasm of students up and down the country, with huge participation on Twitter, plenty of amazing team photos and a few super interesting live streams on Twitch taking us on the full journey. There was a real buzz across the two days and we were really impressed with the dedication of everyone involved.

With that being said, there could only be one winner…

Congratulations to Team Sickly with their game: Extinction Crabellion; a multi-player co-op experience where players come together as ‘manic beach cleaners’. The top prize included a number of goodies, most notably a week-long internship with Playmob and an awesome £2,000 scholarship for the team courtesy of Rabin Ezra Scholarship Fund - wow! 👏

For the full winner announcement, check out UKIE’s article here.

A huge thank you to UKIE, Playmob and Space App Games for collaborating to bring us this awesome event and allowing us to play a small part; an extra special shout-out to all of the students, volunteers and teams who helped pull everything together and deliver an awesome game jam!
